Tag: Talking Point - Page 23

  • Talking Point Nintendo's Digital Pricing

    Is it persuasive enough?

    This week we’ve been given a glimpse of Nintendo’s plans for retail download pricing and incentives, both for Japan and North America. It all begins with New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Demon Training in Japan on 28th July, with North America and Europe joining in with Mario’s title on 19th and 17th August respectively...

  • Talking Point Another Look at the News - 20th July

    Sonic, retail downloads and a certain analyst

    It's that time again, when a few members of the Nintendo Life team look at recent news and decide that they simply have to give their opinion on it. Last time out things were very serious, with topics such as Nintendo's online services, the number of 'new IPs' on Wii and the continued madness that is...

  • Talking Point Music and Rhythm Games Are Coming Back

    No plastic guitars needed

    There was a time, in the not too distant past, when Harmonix and Activision were locked in a gaming battle of the plastic bands, with the Guitar Hero and Rock Band franchises facing off in the charts. It was a phenomenon, capitalising on the rise of a new generation of gamers, that allowed us to live out fantasies of being...

  • Talking Point 3DS XL's Media Potential

    Look ma, no glasses!

    One of the biggest shifts of the last generation has been the evolution of games consoles into entertainment centres, allowing almost all forms of media to be played back through your TV. It’s a far cry from the old cartridge systems when gaming ruled supreme, but thanks to their knowledge outside of video games both Microsoft...

  • Talking Point What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Three

    Now it's officially a trilogy

    It's time, once again, for the Nintendo Life team to share their weekend gaming plans with you in their own lovely, lovely words. You may have noticed that this entry has been slightly delayed, as yesterday our esteemed editor James Newton completed his last day by sharing his favourite Nintendo Life moments; he now...

  • Talking Point Another Look at the News - 6th July

    Telling it like it is

    A couple of weeks ago we published the first of this new series, where members of the team share their personal views on news stories of the week. Last time around James, Tom and Mike wrote about the only story in town, 3DS XL. Now we start the real business of team members sounding off about different articles, giving their...

  • Feature Sharing Some Hits at a StreetPass Event

    Go for that green light

    Did you leave the house today? If you did hit the streets to go to the shops, work or school, then we have two more questions for you. Did you take your 3DS with you, and did you get any StreetPass hits? It’s easy to forget that, when 3DS was launched, Nintendo placed a fair bit of emphasis on the idea of taking the...

  • Talking Point What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Two

    Summer gaming

    Here in the sunny UK — by which we mean heavy rain and flooding — we're well into summer, a time of year when the rain has a distinctly warmer feel on the skin. We're sure that some of you live in far more temperate climes than this, but for those that don't there's always an answer — playing video games. That's what many of our...

  • Talking Point 3DS XL - Why Now?

    The timing is both predictable and strange

    The upcoming release of 3DS XL, the sizeable update to the original model, is hardly a surprise. Nintendo has constantly iterated its handhelds in an effort to attract more consumers and, to put it bluntly, make a lot of money: we can’t even argue that the XL is arriving earlier than expected, as the gap...

  • Talking Point The Pros and Cons of 3DS XL

    Weighing it all up

    The latest Nintendo Direct had its usual mix of game trailers and release details, but they were a distant priority behind the big opening act on each regional broadcast: announcement of 3DS XL. A remodelled 3DS had been rumoured and debated almost from the moment that the original hit stores, simply because Nintendo has a long...

  • Talking Point Another Look at the News - 22nd June

    Topic hint: it's big

    It's Friday, but we're not going to share our weekend gaming plans with you today, remember that's every two weeks. Today we're starting a new feature series where members of staff pick a piece of Nintendo news from the week and give their own opinions, sometimes irreverent, on the story. Normally that would mean that each...

  • Talking Point Wii U Bundles Need to Suit Us All

    One size does not fit all

    After the fun and games of Wii U noise over E3, now we probably have to wait until the next Nintendo Direct broadcast for another hit. We learned a great deal about Wii U at E3, with game reveals and system demonstrations giving a broader idea of what the console will offer. Much was left to our imagination, however, such...

  • Talking Point What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue One

    We could be heroes

    Before E3 we posted a few features where members of our team listed their gaming plans for the weekend with some witty prose, and you did the same in the comments below. As we all like talking about games and weekends together, we're going to make this a regular feature every two weeks. Same time, same place. We have plenty of...

  • Talking Point Are E3 Conferences a Dying Breed?

    E3 is changing

    9am PDT, Tuesday, E3 week. For Nintendo fans, this time and date is akin to New Year's Day, ringing in the next big batch of games Nintendo has to offer and beginning a week-long celebration of all things gaming. Nintendo’s E3 press conference has created some magical moments over the years, from the reveal of The Legend of Zelda:...

  • Talking Point The Good and Bad Sides of Moderating Miiverse

    Big Mario is watching

    As we were bombarded with announcements and details about Wii U in the past week, perhaps one feature stood out as something distinctly new in the world of Nintendo: Miiverse. After enduring the lacking online options on Wii for the past six years, Nintendo gamers can look ahead to potential levels of social interaction unknown...

  • Talking Point Reviewing Nintendo's E3 Press Conference


    The dust has settled on Nintendo's E3 2012 press conference. Here in the Nintendo Life offices the pizza boxes have been pushed to one side and we've taken a few minutes to collect our thoughts and summarise how we think it went. James Newton, editor: I wouldn't say this was a classic show for Nintendo — a lot of the right components were...

  • Talking Point Why Gaming Needs E3

    A spectacle like no other

    It’s the final weekend before E3 2012, and thousands of members of the gaming industry and mainstream press are descending on Los Angeles to attend. It’s amazing that a single convention has risen to such prominence in the gaming calendar, but that’s the status that E3 has earned: while there may be a number of other...

  • Talking Point Should Zelda Go Episodic?

    "Next time on The Legend of Zelda..."

    For more than 25 years, The Legend of Zelda series has grapple-hooked the hearts of gamers across the globe. Thanks to the consistent quality of its library of titles, the Zelda brand has generated a worldwide recognition that few games achieve and has become the standard by which all other action-adventure...

  • Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend?

    Last one before E3

    It's that time again, the weekend is upon us. It's been a busy week here at Nintendo Life, so naturally we're planning to unwind for a couple of days with some quality gaming. This will be the last of these features for a few weeks, however, as we'll be busy bringing you all of the content you could ever want for that gaming...

  • Talking Point DS Games Deserve Digital Distribution on 3DS

    Too good to ignore

    Not long ago, we brought you a feature on Bargain Bin DS Games, detailing some excellent games available for relatively little money. The response to the article highlighted how many little-known or under-appreciated gems the DS library has, as it seems to have been a platform that encouraged a lot of creativity from developers...

  • Talking Point What Games Are You Playing This Weekend?

    Time for another round

    It's Friday, so there's a temptation to quote the lyrics from the worst pop song ever, but instead we're going to get ourselves ready for another gaming weekend. After we first shared our weekend plans with you a few weeks ago, we thought that more members of the team should share the most intimate details of their gaming...

  • Talking Point Nintendo Should Offer Indie Game Bundles

    Competitive download prices for a good cause

    We’re just one month away from the 3DS eShop's first anniversary, a busy period that’s seen the service grow and evolve. A modest start, including a slow-burn of actual 3DS exclusives, made way for a vibrant period of service improvements, game demos and, most importantly, some top quality games. The...

  • Talking Point The Critical Importance of Black Ops 2

    CoD always sells

    For those of you that follow gaming news beyond Nintendo, one title has been dominating all headlines: Call of Duty: Black Ops II. The Activision behemoth has been everywhere, grabbing attention ahead of a 'global reveal' and then accounting for the bulk of news stories on many multi-platform websites in the aftermath. While it's...

  • Talking Point Why Skyward Sword Sales Failed to Soar

    Sword blunted

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was one of the most anticipated Wii games ever. After years of teasing it finally launched in November 2011, and has so far racked up 3.52 million sales around the world, a decent performance over a five-month period. It's on par with Wii launch title Twilight Princess, which sold 3.27m units between...

  • Talking Point Does Nintendo Finally 'Get' Digital?

    Mario out of thin air

    Now that Nintendo’s got the announcement of financial losses out of the way, it can look ahead to plans for the coming year. As expected, follow-up statements to investors revealed some interesting insights into the company’s plans, with the biggest news that Nintendo's 3DS retail games will be available to download later...

  • Talking Point A Big Year for Nintendo

    Time for a transition

    Today Nintendo announced its annual financial results, and the big headline is that it made a loss of 43 billion Yen, roughly $529m USD or £327m GBP. While we don't need to fear for the future of the company at this stage due to its significant stockpiles of cash and assets, it’s nevertheless a blow for the big N. The loss...

  • Talking Point Could AR Games Drive eShop Sales?

    Augmenting profit

    Nintendo made a big deal of augmented reality at 3DS' launch, but it's all gone a bit quiet on the gaming-on-your-table front aside from scant appearances as extra modes in titles like Kid Icarus: Uprising, or in its various uses in horror games that don't cut it. The 3D overlay technology, through which games and avatars can...

  • Talking Point What New Super Mario Bros. 2 Means for 3DS and Nintendo

    Aside $$$

    The biggest news that came out of Nintendo Direct yesterday was the announcement of New Super Mario Bros. 2 for Nintendo 3DS. To say that the revival of 2D Mario has been a gigantic success for Nintendo is somewhat of an understatement; both New Super Mario Bros. on DS and New Super Mario Bros. Wii sold over 25 million copies each worldw

  • Talking Point What Games Are You Playing This Weekend?

    What else are weekends for?

    Another busy week has passed, whether you've spent it at work, school, college or somewhere else, and now it's time to sit back and chill out over the weekend. For many of us that means taking some time for gaming, either delving into something new or playing an old favourite. We've taken a quick poll of four members of...

  • Talking Point Lessons to be Learned from WiiWare and Beamdog

    Cool heads should prevail

    One news story has been dominant on Nintendo Life since it was posted, attracting a significant number of comments from the community. The news that MDK2 developers Beamdog will never develop for Nintendo again seemed to strike nerves, as strongly worded statements generally do. Writing on Twitter, studio president Trent...

  • Feature Super Mario on Wii U - Crowd Pleaser or Game Changer?

    The plumber's conundrum

    The news that Shigeru Miyamoto will show off Super Mario Bros. on Wii U at E3 is more or less confirmation of what we all expected. When 3DS faltered many said Nintendo needed to show the way with a Mario game, and Super Mario 3D Land's Christmas appearance gave the console a big shot in the arm, becoming its first...

  • Talking Point Is Nintendo Over-Reliant on Super Mario?

    Lots of plumbing to do

    Back in 1985, no-one could have imagined that a plumber saving a princess from the clutches of an evil turtle king could become one of gaming’s defining moments. Since the release of the original Super Mario Bros. on the NES, Mario has become not only the face of Nintendo, but arguably the face of gaming as a whole. Shigeru...

  • Talking Point Is Wii U's Power Really That Important?

    It's how you use it

    One topic's dominated the Wii U news since Nintendo revealed its new console at E3 2011 — just how powerful is it? Nintendo's Wii U technical specifications give the vaguest of nods to its under-the-hood power, just mentioning a multi-core IBM processor — which we know is based on game show-conquering chip Watson — but it...

  • Talking Point Why Wii U's Image Must Grab Attention

    First impressions count

    With each passing week we get closer to the arrival of Nintendo’s next home console, Wii U. It’s due by the end of 2012, yet there’s still so much that we don’t know: technical specifications, prices, planned launch games and even the final name. All of these factors will be important to its early success, but...

  • Talking Point The Inevitability of Digital Retail Games

    How will it affect our gaming?

    For Nintendo gamers, the video game market is currently a simple, relatively traditional place. If you want to buy a retail title, you hit the high street or visit your online retailer of choice and pick up a box with a disc or game cart inside. Pop that media into your Wii, 3DS or DS and you’re immediately playing...

  • Talking Point Achievements, Trophies and Wii U

    Achievement unlocked?

    Back in 2005, Microsoft kick-started the HD console era with Xbox 360, at the time a technical marvel with online capabilities that were one of the jewels in its creamy white, far-too-easily overheating crown. However, while online play, reams of downloadable content (DLC) and a single, unified community were indeed admirable...

  • Talking Point 3DS Depends on Nintendo Titles for Success

    Developers left out of the party

    Recent weeks have seen some positive news for Nintendo and 3DS: a truly abysmal launch period has been forgotten by many, as a major price drop and some heavy-hitting titles have resuscitated the device. It’s now exuding respectability after a difficult summer in 2011 when it looked like a flawed idea and,...

  • Talking Point Wii U and the Future of the Online Pass

    'Project $10' and what it could mean

    With the number of gamers indulging in online play on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 at an all-time high, it’s disheartening sometimes to observe how far Nintendo has been lagging behind, as far as online functionality goes. For those lucky enough to own more than one console, the Wii isn’t exactly the go-to...

  • Talking Point The Future of Pokémon

    Time to evolve onto 3DS

    Given that the 3DS console has been on sale worldwide for nearly a year now, the desolate wastes of its almost non-existent software library have finally blossomed into a variety of must-have titles. But there’s one Nintendo property that’s still criminally under-represented on the handheld: Pokémon. The franchise has...

  • Talking Point NFC and the Latest Wii U Wizardry

    Near Field Communication: cooler than it sounds

    As you may have noticed, we've seen a flurry of news stories coming out of Nintendo HQ in the past few days. We started with bad news, that Nintendo expects to make a loss in the current financial year, though the news that Wii U will launch in time for Christmas 2012 helped ease the pain. Of course,...

  • Talking Point Using Glitches - Cheating or Clever Gaming?

    Everyone stay calm

    This week game cheats have been in the news. We learnt about the origins of the Konami Code and, controversially, that Nintendo has no plans to fix Mario Kart 7’s Maka Waku glitch. All this talk of codes, shortcuts and glitches got us thinking about the morality of these gaming quirks: when is it acceptable to take advantage of...

  • Talking Point Your Nintendo Christmas Presents

    What was in your stocking?

    By now you've unwrapped (and probably discarded most of) your Christmas presents and digested your Christmas meal. It's time to talk what you got this year. No, we don't mean the Christmas meal: tell us about your Nintendo Christmas presents. Was Satoru Claus good to you this year? Drop us a comment below and let us know...

  • Talking Point Why Is It So Hard to Make a Good Christmas Game?

    Coal in the stocking

    Merry Christmas, everyone! It's that magical time of year again, a time for all of us to indulge in Christmas movies, Christmas music, Christmas TV specials and Christmas video games! Alright, we admit... not so much the last one. But that poses an interesting question: why not? Christmas-themed video games have been around for...

  • Talking Point Nintendo's Year of Giving

    Making Santa look bad

    As we approach the Holiday season, it seems appropriate to reflect on the act of giving. Although it’s nice to say that the real pleasure is in giving gifts, 3DS owners can be honest and say that receiving them is also rather enjoyable. Nintendo have provided a lot of free content since the handheld’s launch, in a variety...

  • Talking Point The Evolution of the 3DS

    Learning to walk

    On 7th December the latest firmware update arrived on the 3DS, adding new features, functionality and playable content to the handheld. In fact, the system now has a more rounded feel to its functionality, with the current fully updated console boasting significant additions to its original capabilities. We've already put together a...

  • Talking Point The Overcrowded Holiday Release Schedule

    Time for a congestion charge?

    There’s a popular analogy that likens the act of waiting for buses to other everyday occurrences in life: around this time every year we’re all inevitably subjected to the same situation as we were last year, and the year before that, and so on. Picture the scene: you’ve endured summer months of crippling boredom,...

  • Talking Point Nintendo's Plans to Fight Back

    Mario’s gloves come off

    If we were to summarise Nintendo’s year so far, we’d say that it’s been having a tough time. There have been moments of brilliance that have reaffirmed the faith of loyal gamers, but there have also been a lot of mis-steps, mistakes and bad publicity, some of which has been unjustified. In fact, despite the release of...

  • Talking Point Should Nintendo Regularly Offer Free Games for Download?

    Is continuing in Four Swords' footsteps the answer to the $0.99 download mentality?

    As of last week, every DSiWare gamer can download The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition for free. This was originally a full retail title, now with added wireless connectivity, a new single-player mode and bonus levels. Compare that to Super Mario...

  • Talking Point The Role of the N64 on the 3DS

    Classic games for a new audience

    It's no secret that Nintendo has been having something of a tough time of it in regards to the 3DS. Since its launch in late March of this year, Nintendo's newest handheld has battled through a significant price drop, a shaky start as far as its online functionality is concerned, complaints about poor battery life...

  • Talking Point The Most Memorable Nintendo 64 Games

    Get N, to the Nintendo Life Poll

    It seems like the year of major anniversaries in all things Nintendo, as this week we celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Nintendo 64. The good old N64 was released on 29th September 1996 in North America and introduced 3D polygon graphics at a level that hadn’t been seen before. Throughout the course of this...